Life of the parishes

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Vladimirovo Russian Village finds new life in Illinois

Vladimirovo Russian Village finds new life in Illinois

After World War II, a Russian-speaking settlement was founded 113 miles West of Chicago, near Rock City, Illinois. In the ...
Pan-Orthodox Music Symposium

Pan-Orthodox Music Symposium

Creative Spirit Found in Church Music is a Reality of Our Existence Minneapolis, Minn. – The feast of the Nativity ...
Miami has a new OCA Cathedral

Miami has a new OCA Cathedral

After 25 years in the making, Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Miami Lakes, FL, was consecrated by  His Eminence, Archbishop Alexander ...
Consécration de l’église Sainte-Photinie à Pointe Noire (Congo Brazzaville)

Consecration of Sainte-Photinie church in Pointe Noire (Congo Brazzaville)

On May 6, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the church Sainte-Photinie, in Mpaka, in the suburbs of Pointe-Noire, was consecrated. ...
« On prévoit de construire une église Saint-Alexandre-Nevsky, haute de 92 m., à Kertch, à l’entrée en République de Crimée »

Saint Alexander Nevsky, a 300-ft-high church, is planned in Kerch, at the entrance of the Republic of Crimea.

It will be one of the highest churches in the country. The act of the return of the land to ...