Living with the Church
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Living with the Church

June 1st
June 1st Martyr Justin the Philosopher and those with him at Rome: Martyrs Justin, Chariton and his wife, Charity, Euelpistus, ...

May 18 (old calendar) / May 31 (new)
May 18 (old calendar) / May 31 (new) Fast Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra, and with him Martyrs Peter, Dionysius, Andrew, ...

May 31
May 31 Fast St. Apollonios (Apollo) of the Egyptian Thebaid (395). Apostle Hermas of the Seventy (1st c.). Martyr Hermias ...

May 17 (old calendar) / May 30 (new)
May 17 (old calendar) / May 30 (new) Apostle Andronicus of the Seventy and his fellow-laborer, Junia (1st c.). St. ...

May 30
May 30 Ven. Isaac, Founder of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople (383). SAINT ISAAC OF DALMATIA Saint Isaac lived during ...

May 16 (old calendar) / May 29 (new)
May 16 (old calendar) / May 29 (new) Fast Leavetaking of Midfeast. Ven. Theodore the Sanctified, disciple of Ven. Pachomius ...

May 29
May 29 Fast Leavetaking of Midfeast. Virgin Martyr Theodosia of Tyre (307-308). Repose of Bl. John of Ustiug, Fool-for-Christ (1494). Virgin ...

May 15 (old calendar) / May 28 (new)
May 15 (old calendar) / May 28 (new) Ven. Pachomius the Great, Founder of Cœnobitic Monasticism (348 A.D.). St. Isaiah, Bishop ...
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