Living with the Church
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January 18
January 18 Fast Ss. Athanasius the Great (373) and Cyril (444), Archbishops of Alexandria. Ven. Afanásii (Athanasius), Abbot of Syandémsk ...

January 4 (old calendar) / January 17 (new)
January 4 (old calendar) / January 17 (new) Forefeast of the Theophany. Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles: James (Jacob), the ...

January 17
January 17 Venerable and Godbearing Father Anthony the Great (356). Ven. Anthony of Dymsk (Novgorod—ca. 1224). Ven. Anthony of Chernoezérsk (16th ...

January 3 (old calendar) / January 16 (new)
January 3 (old calendar) / January 16 (new) Forefeast of the Theophany. Holy Prophet Malachi (400 B.C.). Martyr Gordius at ...

January 16
January 16 Fast Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and All-glorious Apostle Peter. Bl. Maxim of Tot’ma, Fool-for-Christ ...

January 2 (old calendar) / January 15 (new)
January 2 (old calendar) / January 15 (new) Forefeast of the Theophany. Repose of Ven. Seraphim, Wonderworker of Sarov (1833). St. ...

January 15
January 15 Ven. Paul of Thebes (341) and John Calabytes (“the Hut-dweller”—5th c.). Ven. Pansophius of Alexandria, Martyr (ca. 249-251). ...

December 31 (old calendar) / January 13 (new)
December 31 (old calendar) / January 13 (new) 33rd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 8 Leavetaking of the Nativity. Sunday after the ...
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