Living with the Church
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Living with the Church

August 14 (old calendar) / August 27 (new)
August 14 (old calendar) / August 27 (new) Dormition Fast Translation of the Relics of Ven. Theodosius of the Kiev ...

August 27
August 27 Ven. Pimen the Great (ca. 450). Hieromartyr Kuksha and Ven. Pimen (Pœmen), of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves—12th ...
August 13 (old calendar) / August 26 (new)
August 13 (old calendar) / August 26 (new) 13th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 4 Leavetaking of the Transfiguration. St. Tikhon, Bishop of ...

August 26
August 26 13th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 4. Martyrs Adrian and Natalia and 33 companions, of Nicomedia (4th). Ven. Adrian, Abbot ...

August 12 (old calendar) / August 25 (new)
August 12 (old calendar) / August 25 (new) Dormition Fast Afterfeast of the Transfiguration. Martyrs Anicetus and Photius (Photinus) of Nicomedia, ...

August 11 (old calendar) / August 24 (new)
August 11 (old calendar) / August 24 (new) Dormition Fast Afterfeast of the Transfiguration Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Euplus (Euplius) ...

August 24
August 24 Hieromartyr Eutychius, disciple of St. John the Theologian (1st c.). Translation of the Relics of St. Peter, Metropolitan ...
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