Living with the Church
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July 11 (old calendar) / July 24 (new)
July 11 (old calendar) / July 24 (new) Greatmartyr Euphemia the All-praised (451). Bl. Olga (in Baptism Elena), Princess of ...

July 24
July 24 Martyr and Passion-Bearer Boris, in Holy Baptism Romanus (1015). Martyr Christina of Tyre (ca. 300). Ven. Polycarp, Archimandrite ...

July 10 (old calendar) / July 23 (new)
July 10 (old calendar) / July 23 (new) Ven. Anthony of the Kiev Caves, Founder of Monasticism in Russia (1073). Holy ...

July 23
July 23 Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus, and 13 others in Lycia (4th c.). Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna (ca. 75). Commemoration ...

July 22
July 22 8th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 7. Holy Myrrhbearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (1st c.). Translation of the Relics of Hieromartyr ...
July 9 (old calendar) / July 22 (new)
July 9 (old calendar) / July 22 (new) 8th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 7 Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina in Sicily ...

July 8 (old calendar) / July 21 (new)
July 8 (old calendar) / July 21 (new) The SITKA Icon of the Most-holy Theotokos. Holy Greatmartyr Procopius of Cæsarea ...

July 21
July 21 Fast Prophet Ezekiel (6th c. B.C.). Ven. Simeon of Emessa, Fool-for-Christ, and his fellow ascetic, Ven. John (ca. ...
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