Living with the Church

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Orthodoxie ornament 1
July 4

July 4 

July 4 St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete (712). Ven. Andrei Rublev (14th-15th c.). Ven. Martha, mother of Ven. Simeon the ...
June 20 (old calendar) / July 3 (new calendar)

June 20 (old calendar) / July 3 (new)

June 20 (old calendar) / July 3 (new) Apostles’ Fast Hieromartyr Methodius, Bishop of Patara (312). Rt. Blv. Prince Gleb ...
July 3

July 3 

July 3 Fast Martyr Hyacinth of Cæsarea in Cappadocia (108). Translation of the Relics of Hieromartyr Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow ...

June 19 (old calendar) / July 2 (new)

June 19 (old calendar) / July 2 (new) Apostles’ Fast – Fish allowed Holy Apostle Jude, the brother of the ...

July 2 

July 2 The Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Most-holy Theotokos at Blachernæ (5th c.). St. Photius, Metropolitan of ...

June 18 (old calendar) / July 1st (new)

June 18 (old calendar) / July 1st (new) Apostles’ Fast Martyr Leontius, and with him Martyrs Hypatius and Theodulus, at ...

July 1st

July 1st Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs at Rome (284). Martyr Potitus at Naples (2nd c.). Ven. ...
June 17 (old calendar) / June 30 (new)

June 17 (old calendar) / June 30 (new)

June 17 (old calendar) / June 30 (new) Apostles’ Fast – fish allowed 2nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 1 All Saints ...