
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Reviews

Orthodoxie ornament 1
The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis: a new book by jean-claude larchet

The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis: a new book by Jean-Claude Larchet

Jean-Claude Larchet, Les fondements spirituels de la crise écologique [The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis], Publisher: Syrtes, Geneva, 2018, ...
Review: anton odaysky, “the feat of a lifetime”. saint luke of crimea

Review: Anton Odaysky, “The feat of a lifetime”. Saint Luke of Crimea

Anton Odaysky, « L’exploit de toute une vie ». Saint Luc de Crimée (Valentin Voïno-Iassenetski), professeur, médecin, archevêque, confesseur, [« The ...
Review: Sainte-Odile: The Mount and its Graces, by Patrick Koelher

Review: Sainte-Odile: The Mount and its Graces, by Patrick Koelher

Patrick Koelher, Sainte-Odile. Le mont et les grâces, Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2018, 240 p. Father Patrick Koehler, the rector ...
Review: Gregory of Nyssa, « Canonical Letter. Letter on the Pythonissa and other pastoral letters »

Review: Gregory of Nyssa, “Canonical Letter. Letter on the Pythonissa and other pastoral letters »

Gregory of Nyssa, Lettre canonique. Lettre sur la Pythonisse et autres lettres pastorales. Introduction, translation and notes by Pierre Maraval, “Sources ...
Review of Guillaume Cuchet’s book: « How our world ceased to be Christian. Anatomy of a collapse »

Review of Guillaume Cuchet’s book: “How our world ceased to be Christian. Anatomy of a collapse”

Review by Jean-Claude Larchet of Guillaume Cuchet’s book , Comment notre monde a cessé d’être chrétien. Anatomie d’un effondrement, Éditions du ...
Recension: Venise, presque une autre Byzance

Review: Venice, almost another Byzantium

In his review of the book by Giorgio Fedalto et Renato D’Antiga (éd.), Venezia quasi un’altra Bisanzio, Marcianum Press, Venise, ...