
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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Orthodoxie ornament 1
Metropolitan epifaniy’s enthronement

Metropolitan Epifaniy’s enthronement

On February 3, 2019, Metropolitan Epifaniy (Dumenko)’s enthronement took place in Kyiv St. Sophia’s Cathedral. The Metropolitan is the head ...
The divine liturgy of saint john chrysostom now available in urdu

The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom now available in Urdu

After two years of work, Fr. Paul and Matushka Elizabeth Sushil (Moscow Patriarchate) from Lahore, Pakistan, completed their translation of the ...
The belgrade daily « politika » interviewed patriarch irinej of serbia

The Belgrade daily “Politika” interviewed Patriarch Irinej of Serbia

On January 27, as the Serbian Orthodox Church commemorated the memory of Saint Sava of Serbia, Patriarch Irinej gave the ...
Interview with metropolitan emmanuel of france on the future of the archdiocese of russian orthodox churches in western europe

Metropolitan Emmanuel’s letter to the priests of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe

On February 7, 2019, Metropolitan Emmanuel of France sent a letter to the priests of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox ...
« patriarch » filaret will continue to lead the kyiv diocese of the new ukrainian orthodox church

“Patriarch” Filaret will continue to lead the Kyiv diocese of the new Ukrainian Orthodox Church

During its February 5, 2019 session, the Synod of the new Orthodox Church in Ukraine decided that “His Holiness the ...
10th anniversary of the enthronement of patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia

10th anniversary of the enthronement of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia

On February 1, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all ...
Archpriest alexander a.winogradsky frenkel: “revealing and glorifying”

Archpriest Alexander A.Winogradsky Frenkel: “Revealing And Glorifying”

A new 2018-19 series of articles shared on the roots and the prospects that unite Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions ...

The abbot of the Athonite Vatopedi Monastery was hospitalized in Kyiv

Archimandrite Ephrem, the hegumen of the Athonite Vatopedi Monastery, was hospitalized in a Kyiv clinic following a heart attack that ...