
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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Message du patriarche de moscou cyrille au patriarche de constantinople bartholomée au sujet de l’ukraine

Message of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on Ukraine

His Holiness Bartholomew, Patriarch оf Constantinople Your Holiness, It was with the feeling of great pain, astonishment and indignation that ...
The tomos of autocephaly of the orthodox church in ukraine available in several languages

The tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine available in several languages

The official website of the Patriarchate of Constantinople has published the tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine ...

Patriarch Bartholomew’s letter to the hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne on Ukraine

Please find here our English translation of the letter Patriarch Bartholomew sent on January 8, 2019, to the hierarchs of ...

On the creation of Moscow Patriarchate exarchates in Western Europe and Southeast Asia

According to Fr Alexander Volkov, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow Press Secretary, the creation of exarchates by the Russian Orthodox Church ...
Archpriest alexander a. winogradsky frenkel : « words of fire »

Archpriest Alexander A. Winogradsky Frenkel : “Words Of Fire”

A new 2018-19 series of articles shared on the roots and the prospects that unite Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions ...
Patriarch kirill of moscow commemorated during the nativity divine liturgy in kyiv

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow commemorated during the Nativity Divine Liturgy in Kyiv

On January 7, during the Nativity Divine Liturgy at Saint Sophia’s Cathedral in Kyiv, “Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All ...
The holy synod of the orthodox church of greece refers the ukrainian issue to their assembly of bishops

The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece refers the Ukrainian issue to their assembly of bishops

The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece issued the following statement on the Ukrainian issue: “The Holy Synod ...
L’archevêque de chypre chrysostome ii au sujet de l’ukraine : « ce qui prime actuellement, ce n’est pas l’autocéphalie, mais que l’orthodoxie ne se divise pas »

“What’s most important right now is not autocephaly, but that Orthodoxy may not be divided”

On January 9, Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus met with Borys Humeniuk, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Cyprus. According to the ...