
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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Patriarch bartholomew responded to accusations of corruption

Patriarch Bartholomew responded to accusations of corruption

For the first time, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople publicly responded to accusations claiming he received a bribe from the President ...
The georgia patriarchate may recognize the new autocephalous church of ukraine

The Georgia Patriarchate may recognize the new Autocephalous Church of Ukraine

According to the Romfea agency, it seems that the Orthodox Church of Georgia will recognize the new Autocephalous Church of ...
Archpriest alexander winogradsky frenkel: “blissful blessings”

Archpriest Alexander Winogradsky Frenkel: “Blissful Blessings”

A new 2018-19 series of articles shared on the roots and the prospects that unite Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions ...
« the reconstruction of montenegro’s autocephalous church must be continued on solid foundations »

“The reconstruction of Montenegro’s autocephalous Church must be continued on solid foundations”

In an interview with Montenegro Radio and Television, Montenegro President Đukanović said that “the Serbian Orthodox Church is persistently undermining ...
« the patriarch of constantinople’s thirst for power is catastrophic for the future of orthodoxy »

“The Patriarch of Constantinople’s thirst for power is catastrophic for the future of Orthodoxy”

In the homily Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro delivered at St. Nicholas Church in Bandići, he recalled the words of the ...
A ukrainian deputy denounces « filaret’s maneuvers at the unification council »

A Ukrainian deputy denounces “Filaret’s maneuvers at the Unification Council”

In the comments Volyn regional deputy Mykola Buliha (a lay representative at the “Unification Council”) made to the Ukrainian agency ...
December 15 communiqué of the council of the archdiocese of russian orthodox churches in western europe

December 15 Communiqué of the Council of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe

Following the Pastoral Assembly held on 15th December at the Church of St Sergius, in which nearly all the clergy ...
December 17 address of the holy synod of the ukrainian orthodox church

December 17 Address of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Address of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churchto the archpastors, pastors, monastics, and laityDecember 17, 2018 Your Eminences ...