
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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Confusion before the « unification council » meeting, to be held in kyiv on december 15

Confusion before the “Unification Council” meeting, to be held in Kyiv on December 15

In the Orthodox world, everyone is waiting with hope or concern for the of the Unification Council meeting to be ...

“Breaking the Eucharistic Communion is Unacceptable”

On December 13 in Constantinople, Patriarch Bartholomew celebrated the holy apostle Andrew’s feast day (old calendar) at the metochion of ...
« it may not be too late for constantinople to give up the idea of a ‘unification council' »

“It may not be too late for Constantinople to give up the idea of a ‘Unification Council'”

On the eve of the “Unification Council” in Ukraine, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk published the following reflections: “For which ...
November 28, 2018 communiqué from the office of the diocesan administration

Communiqué of the Council of the Archdiocese of 30th November 2018

After having been dissolved by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe published the following ...
Archpriest nikolai balashov’s interview about the future of the ukrainian monasteries

Archbishop John of Charioupolis’s letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow is fake, and possibly “provocation”

The Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR) declared they did not receive any December 7 letter from the head of the Russian Exarchate in ...
More about archbishop john’s fake letter to patriarch kirill

More about Archbishop John’s fake letter to Patriarch Kirill

After Archpriest Nikolai Balashov’s reaction published yesterday, the Orthodoxie.com editorial team wishes to confirm that the letter published by some ...
Le Patriarche Bartholomée Est Actuellement à Genève Pour Des Examens Médicaux

Message by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP 24) (Poland, December 3-14, 2018)

Dear and distinguished friends, We are pleased to send this brief greeting of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the members of ...
The council started late

“Unification Council” convened by Patriarch Bartholomew

Patriarch Bartholomew convened the “Unification Council” and published the letter he sent to Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv, while “Patriarch Filaret ...