
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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Orthodoxy in Monaco

Orthodoxy in Monaco

For years, the few thousand Orthodox living in or around the Principality of Monaco had to go to Nice or ...
Review: Sainte-Odile: The Mount and its Graces, by Patrick Koelher

Review: Sainte-Odile: The Mount and its Graces, by Patrick Koelher

Patrick Koelher, Sainte-Odile. Le mont et les grâces, Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2018, 240 p. Father Patrick Koehler, the rector ...
CROCEU Statement about the Istanbul Convention

CROCEU Statement about the Istanbul Convention

The Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the European Union (CROCEU) was established in 2010. Its purpose is ...
Thousands of people came to pray at the tomb of Saint Paisios on the occasion of his feast, July 12

Thousands of people came to pray at the tomb of Saint Paisios on the occasion of his feast, July 12

On July 12, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saint Paisios, canonized in 2015 by decision of the Ecumenical ...
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow discussed the question of the preservation of inter-Orthodox unity with the delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow discussed the question of the preservation of inter-Orthodox unity with the delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople

On July 9, 2018, in his working residence of “Chistiy Pereulok” in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill met with the members of ...
Review: Gregory of Nyssa, « Canonical Letter. Letter on the Pythonissa and other pastoral letters »

Review: Gregory of Nyssa, “Canonical Letter. Letter on the Pythonissa and other pastoral letters »

Gregory of Nyssa, Lettre canonique. Lettre sur la Pythonisse et autres lettres pastorales. Introduction, translation and notes by Pierre Maraval, “Sources ...
Archimandrite Maximos Pothos elected Metropolitan of Switzerland (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

Archimandrite Maximos Pothos elected Metropolitan of Switzerland (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

During its July 10 session held at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Halki under the presidency of Patriarch Bartholomew, the ...

Interview with Metropolitan Elpidophoros of Bursa (Ecumenical Patriarchate) about the Moscow Patriarchate and the current situation of the Orthodox Church in Turkey

In an interview with the Greek journalist Athanassios Avgherinos, Metropolitan Elpidophoros  of Bursa addressed the issue of the absence of ...