
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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On July 6, the Orthodox Church of Moldova commemorates the victims of the Stalinist deportations

On July 6, the Orthodox Church of Moldova commemorates the victims of the Stalinist deportations

The Orthodox Church of Moldova has issued the following news concerning the commemoration of the victims of the Stalinist deportations ...
Patriarch of Bulgaria Neophyte met with representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Patriarch of Bulgaria Neophyte met with representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

On July 3, his Holiness Patriarch of Bulgaria Neophyte received representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, at their request. Were present ...
Patriarch Irinej of Serbia: « I remain on my position, the time has not come for the visit of the Pope to Serbia »

Patriarch Irinej of Serbia: “I remain on my position, the time has not come for the visit of the Pope to Serbia”

Referring to the recent visit of the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Petro Parolini (left on the picture) to the ...
The Church where St. John of Kronstadt celebrated to be rebuilt

The Church where St. John of Kronstadt celebrated to be rebuilt

The church of St. Andrew in Kronstadt, destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1930, will be rebuilt. This was announced by ...

Twenty-Sixth Anniversary of the Canonical Revival of the Albanian Church

Destroyed by the Communist regime, the Orthodox Church in Albania was left with no bishop and a dozen old priests. ...
A delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was received by Patriarch Daniel in Bucharest

A delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was received by Patriarch Daniel in Bucharest

On June 29, a delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was received by Patriarch Daniel in Bucharest. The delegation ...
Patriarch Bartholomew: « We wish for the restoration of the unity of the ecclesial body divided in Ukraine ».

Patriarch Bartholomew: “We wish for the restoration of the unity of the ecclesial body divided in Ukraine”.

On the occasion of a fortieth day requiem prayer service for Metropolitan Evangelos of Perge (member of the Hierarchy of ...
Orthodox « Digital detox »: Jean-Claude Larchet calls for abstinence from social media during fasting periods

Orthodox “Digital detox”: Jean-Claude Larchet calls for abstinence from social media during fasting periods

The 2nd international conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care was held on Crete from 18th to 21st of ...