
Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!

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Interview with Hank Hanegraaff, the « Bible Answer Man »

Interview with Hank Hanegraaff, the “Bible Answer Man”

We invite you to watch the interview with Hank Hanegraaff done by Father Jivko Panev during the 2nd International Conference ...
Orthodoxie.com’s talk on DMOPC18: Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach

Orthodoxie.com’s talk on DMOPC18: Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach

Father Zhivko Panev:   Your Eminencies, your Excellencies, dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen! We would like to ...
Chinese Orthodox students can now attend Russian seminaries

Chinese Orthodox students can now attend Russian seminaries

After many difficult decades for Orthodox Christians in China, things are slowly changing. For instance, the first Chinese Orthodox priest ...

Patriarch John X of Antioch expressed his support to the Russian Church about the “Ukrainian issue”

Patriarch John X of Antioch expressed his support to the Russian Orthodox Church, speaking out against the schism in the ...
First Serbian Orthodox Liturgy celebrated in Gran Canaria

First Serbian Orthodox Liturgy celebrated in Gran Canaria

A Serbian Orthodox Divine Liturgy was celebrated for the first time in southern Gran Canaria, near Maspalomas, on the Monday ...
Marriage from an Orthodox perspective – Part 1

Marriage from an Orthodox perspective – Part 1

In May 2018, the program Orthodoxie on France-Culture Radio was on the theme of Marriage from an Orthodox Perspective. Please ...
Andry Parouby, Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, was received by Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem

Andry Parouby, Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, was received by Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem

Andry Parouby, Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, was received by Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem. The meeting was part of ...
Ukrainian autocephaly – a step to canonical Unity or just to Union with Rome?

Ukrainian autocephaly – a step to canonical Unity or just to Union with Rome?

Bishop Symeon Lukach was canonized by the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as Hieromartyr for not betraying his Church under Communist ...