Here you’ll find the latest news from the Orthodox world in France and around the world: meetings, declarations and celebrations!
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The Orthodox Church of Poland opposes the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church
According to exclusive information from the Greek agency Romfea.gr, the Polish Orthodox Church expressed its opposition to the situation in ...

An Ecumenical Patriarchate Commission Visited the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece to Inform them of Developments in the Ukraine
In the office of the Holy Synod on May 14, Archbishop Ieronymos, Primate of the Greek Church, received the members ...

Review: Venice, almost another Byzantium
In his review of the book by Giorgio Fedalto et Renato D’Antiga (éd.), Venezia quasi un’altra Bisanzio, Marcianum Press, Venise, ...

A new version of the Book of Hours in Chinese
A new Chinese version of the Book of Hours was just published to meet the needs of daily liturgical worship. ...

How the Orthodox Church responds to LGBT Day
Since 2015, May 17 is a day worldwide dedicated to events against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOTB). The Orthodox ...

A database with thousands of new martyrs
According to Archpriest Vladimir Vorobiev, rector of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities, located in Moscow, their Department of Contemporary ...

Book: « The Christians who resisted Hitler »
The historian Dominique Lormier just published Ces chrétiens qui ont résisté à Hitler (Artège – 312 pages, 18.90 euros), (The Christians who ...

The Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church spoke about the danger of two ecclesial jurisdictions in the Ukraine
To allow a parallel ecclesial jurisdiction in the Ukraine [that is to say, the two current schismatic entities, on the ...
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