Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Europe

Archbishop Job’s response to George Papathanasopoulos
Archbishop Job of Telmessos responds to journalist George Papathanassopoulos who accused him of being an "Internationalist Orthodox Archbishop"

Exclusive interview with Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv published on the Serbian Orthodox Church website
While in Kyiv as a representative of the Orthodox Faculty of Belgrade at a conference of the Ecclesiastical Academy of Kyiv on March 26, 2019, Nikolaj Sapsaj interviewed Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv. Topics include the events that have marked his ministry so far, the relationships with the Patriarchate of Serbia, and the situation in Ukraine.

Decision of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Holy Synod regarding Pope Francis’s visit
On April 2, 2019, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Holy Synod issued a statement regarding Pope Francis’s visit to Sofia.

Metropolitan Epifaniy met with US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch
A meeting between Metropolitan Epifaniy and Marie L. Yovanovitch, the United States ambassador to Ukraine, took place on March 29.

Spring session of the Orthodox Bishops’ Conference of Germany
The statement issued by the Orthodox Bishops’ Conference of Germany (OBKD) at the end of their Spring session.

Metropolitan Augustine of Germany (Ecumenical Patriarchate)’s Response to Archbishops Mark and Tikhon (Russian Orthodox Church)
Following the two letters sent by the Orthodox hierarchs of Germany, we publish Metropolitan Augustine of Germany (Ecumenical Patriarchate)’s reaction

A Constantinople Patriarchate delegation met with Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens
Metropolitan Emmanuel of France and Metropolitan Amphilochios of Adrianopolis (Patriarchate of Constantinople) discussed the Ukrainian question with Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens.
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