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Interactive map of Ukraine Orthodox parishes seized by the new autocephalous Church
The Legal Department of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (Moscow Patriarchate) has posted a map of the Orthodox parishes in Ukraine seized by the new autocephalous Church

Three new metropolitans elected by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece
Presentation of the three new metropolitans recently elected by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece.

Archbishop Tikhon proposes a new operating rule for the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops in Germany
Archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk, (Diocese of Berlin and Germany - Moscow Patriarchate), proposed the method of free election of the President of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops in Germany.

Bishop Onufriy on the persecution experienced by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
In front of President Poroshenko, Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv spoke about the persecution experienced by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and about the number of its churches that passed to the new autocephalous Church.

Ukrainian churches pray for children with autism
Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv gave his blessing to offer prayers for autistic children and their parents during the Divine Liturgy ...

« How and with what can we feed our soul »
During his sermon on the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, Patriarch Daniel of Romania recalled the need to renew the garment of grace that the soul received through Christian baptism.
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