Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Europe

On Ukraine’s Independence Day, Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv reminded Ukrainians what true freedom is
Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv wished the Ukrainians a happy holiday on the occasion of Independence Day, and he reminded them ...

A Russian church-bus for remote areas
The 3rd International Orthodox Youth forum was held last week in Moscow. Its motto was “The Past. The Present. The ...

Celebration of the feast of Saint John the Recluse at the Sviatohirsk Lavra (Ukraine)
On August 24, nearly 500 clerics (bishops, priests and deacons), along with thousands of faithful, celebrated the memory of Saint ...

Program of Patriarch Irinej of Serbia’s visit to Switzerland
The website of the Orthodox Church of Serbia published the program of Patriarch Irinej of Serbia’s visit to Switzerland: Friday, August ...

Newly enthroned Metropolitan Maxime of Swizterland
On August 18, Metropolitan Maxime was enthroned for Switzerland. You can watch here the video of his enthronement and of ...

Picture album of the wooden church of the Dormition in Kondopoga
You are invited to look at the photo album of the Church of the Dormition in Kondopoga, sent by Father ...

A young Satanist claims the burning of a wooden church
Ignat Sharapov, a 15-year-old schoolboy who calls himself a « Satanist » and wanted to make himself famous all over the world, ...
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