
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Europe

Orthodoxie ornament 1
The holy synod of the orthodox church of greece abrogates the autonomous status of monastic hermitages

The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece abrogates the autonomous status of monastic hermitages

The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece sent an encyclical to the Archdiocese of Athens, to the Metropolitan ...
Mission ship with 30 orthodox priests to visit 47 remote locations in siberia

Mission ship with 30 Orthodox priests to visit 47 remote locations in Siberia

A unique missionary trip will soon take place in Siberia. Thirty Orthodox priests will be on board a “church ship” ...
Patriarch ilia ii of georgia described the legalization of marijuana as “hostile to the nation”

Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia described the legalization of marijuana as “hostile to the nation”

Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of All Georgia described the decision of the Constitutional Court on the legalization of marijuana as a ...
Patriarch kirill of moscow will visit phanar on august 31

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow will visit Phanar on August 31

The Secretariat of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople issued the following communiqué, dated August 5, 2018: “It ...

Patriarch Theodore II on the Ukraine

Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and all Africa gave an interview to the Ria-Novosti agency which can be found on ...

Moldova preparing for Patriarch Kirill’s next visit

After his 2011 and 2013 visits to Moldavia, Patriarch Kirill is now preparing for his third visit in the next ...
More than 100 children participated in the liturgy celebrated by metropolitan joseph at caraiman monastery

More than 100 children participated in the liturgy celebrated by Metropolitan Joseph at Caraiman monastery

More than 100 children participated in the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Joseph, Metropolitan of the Diocese of Western and ...
The delegation of the patriarchate of constantinople present in kiev did not participate in the ceremonies of the 1,030th anniversary of the baptism of rus’

The delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople present in Kiev did not participate in the ceremonies of the 1,030th anniversary of the baptism of Rus’

According to information given by the Greek agency Romfea, the delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, with Metropolitan Emmanuel of ...