
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Europe

Orthodoxie ornament 1
Archimandrite Maximos Pothos elected Metropolitan of Switzerland (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

Archimandrite Maximos Pothos elected Metropolitan of Switzerland (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

During its July 10 session held at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Halki under the presidency of Patriarch Bartholomew, the ...
18 churches will be restored in the Diocese of Banat (Patriarchate of Romania)

18 churches will be restored in the Diocese of Banat (Patriarchate of Romania)

The archdiocese of Timişoara, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the same city, undertook the restoration of ...
President Putin visited the monastery of Valaam

President Putin visited the monastery of Valaam

On July 11th, Feast day of 14th century Valaam holy abbots Sergius and Herman, the Russian president visited the monastery ...

Interview with Metropolitan Elpidophoros of Bursa (Ecumenical Patriarchate) about the Moscow Patriarchate and the current situation of the Orthodox Church in Turkey

In an interview with the Greek journalist Athanassios Avgherinos, Metropolitan Elpidophoros  of Bursa addressed the issue of the absence of ...
Prayers recited in Chinese in the church of Kazan Station in Moscow

Prayers recited in Chinese in the church of Kazan Station in Moscow

On July 2, feast day of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Bishop Nicholas of Balashikha, editor of the ...
On July 6, the Orthodox Church of Moldova commemorates the victims of the Stalinist deportations

On July 6, the Orthodox Church of Moldova commemorates the victims of the Stalinist deportations

The Orthodox Church of Moldova has issued the following news concerning the commemoration of the victims of the Stalinist deportations ...
Patriarch of Bulgaria Neophyte met with representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Patriarch of Bulgaria Neophyte met with representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

On July 3, his Holiness Patriarch of Bulgaria Neophyte received representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, at their request. Were present ...
The Church where St. John of Kronstadt celebrated to be rebuilt

The Church where St. John of Kronstadt celebrated to be rebuilt

The church of St. Andrew in Kronstadt, destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1930, will be rebuilt. This was announced by ...