
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Europe

Orthodoxie ornament 1
Des Albanais Du Kosovo Ont Jeté Des Pierres Sur Un Autobus De Pèlerins Serbes

Kosovo: more and more attacks against Serbs

Kosovo Serbs are in turmoil as they see an increase in attacks against them. In less than a week, numerous ...
June 1st: International Day of Protection of Children

June 1st: International Day of Protection of Children

Since 1950, June 1st is dedicated to the protection of children, with activities such as anti-abortion events or fundraising for ...
Metropolitan Onufriy to politicians: mind your own business.

Metropolitan Onufriy to politicians: mind your own business.

Highlighting the fact that people pertaining to the political sphere can only divide and create more schisms and chaotic situations, ...
Greek Prime Minister Tsipras to Patriarch Bartholomew: « We thank you for your attempt to solve the Skopje problem »

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras to Patriarch Bartholomew: “We thank you for your attempt to solve the Skopje problem”

While visiting Athens, where he met with President Pavlopoulos and Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was received ...
In Moscow, meeting between Metropolitan Hilarion and the French Ambassador to Russia

In Moscow, meeting between Metropolitan Hilarion and the French Ambassador to Russia

On June 1st in Moscow, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchates Department for External Church Relations, received Sylvie Bermann, the ...
Homily of Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary (Ukrainian Orthodox Church) on the meaning of the Apostles Fast

Homily of Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary (Ukrainian Orthodox Church) on the meaning of the Apostles Fast

The Apostles Fast begins today and will continue until the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. On this occasion, ...
Historic book of concise Christian doctrine published by Turkey’s churches

Historic book of concise Christian doctrine published by Turkey’s churches

For the first time in Turkish history, Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian, Syriac and Protestant Churches joined together in 2015 to publish ...
Metropolitan Joseph who brought Uniates back to Orthodoxy may soon be canonized by the Belarusian Church

Metropolitan Joseph who brought Uniates back to Orthodoxy may soon be canonized by the Belarusian Church

Metropolitan Joseph (Semashko) of Vilnius and Lithuania, who worked at bringing back Belarusian Uniates within the Orthodox Church, may soon ...