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Orthodoxie ornament 1
L’Église orthodoxe de Pologne s’oppose à l’autocéphalie de l’Église d’Ukraine

The Orthodox Church of Poland opposes the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church

According to exclusive information from the Greek agency, the Polish Orthodox Church expressed its opposition to the situation in ...

An Ecumenical Patriarchate Commission Visited the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece to Inform them of Developments in the Ukraine

In the office of the Holy Synod on May 14, Archbishop Ieronymos, Primate of the Greek Church, received the members ...
Plus de 36000 néomartyrs russes ont été introduits dans la base de données de l’Université Saint-Tikhon de Moscou

A database with thousands of new martyrs

According to Archpriest Vladimir Vorobiev, rector of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities, located in Moscow, their Department of Contemporary ...
Le chancelier de l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine s’est exprimé sur le danger de deux juridictions parallèles en Ukraine

The Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church spoke about the danger of two ecclesial jurisdictions in the Ukraine

To allow a parallel ecclesial jurisdiction in the Ukraine [that is to say, the two current schismatic entities, on the ...
Le prince Charles a rencontré l’archevêque d’Athènes

Meeting between Prince Charles and Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens

For many years, Prince Charles of Wales has shown  a deep interest in Orthodoxy, especially in Mount Athos and Romanian ...

Patriarch Bartholomew: « We are very optimistic about the imminent reopening of the Halki Theological School »

In an interview with the Greek newspaper « Kosmos » in Australia, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew expressed his optimism about the reopening of ...
L’higoumène du monastère athonite de Vatopédi exhorte le parlement chypriote à ne pas légaliser l’avortement

The hegumen of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi urged the Cypriot Parliament not to legalize abortion

Archimandrite Ephrem, the hegumen of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi, sent a letter to the Cypriot Parliament, urging the government ...
Mgr Hilarion : « Je redoute de penser à ce qui se passerait si l’autocéphalie était accordée aux schismatiques »

Metropolitan Hilarion: « I dread to think what would happen if autocephaly was granted to schismatics »

In an interview with the Greek Agency Romfea, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations, addressed various ...