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Holy Trinity Jordanville Seminary will offer a Master in Divinity next school year
So far, students at the ROCOR Jordanville Seminary, New York, were able to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology. On ...

Consecration of Sainte-Photinie church in Pointe Noire (Congo Brazzaville)
On May 6, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the church Sainte-Photinie, in Mpaka, in the suburbs of Pointe-Noire, was consecrated. ...

The hegumen of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi urged the Cypriot Parliament not to legalize abortion
Archimandrite Ephrem, the hegumen of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi, sent a letter to the Cypriot Parliament, urging the government ...

Metropolitan Hilarion: « I dread to think what would happen if autocephaly was granted to schismatics »
In an interview with the Greek Agency Romfea, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations, addressed various ...

Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Antioch
The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Antioch, which met under the presidency of Patriarch John X at the Balamand ...

Saint Alexander Nevsky, a 300-ft-high church, is planned in Kerch, at the entrance of the Republic of Crimea.
It will be one of the highest churches in the country. The act of the return of the land to ...

Les schismatiques ukrainiens demandent à Bartholomée 1er de reconnaître le «Patriarcat de Kiev» en tant qu’Église locale
Le « Patriarcat de Kiev », qui n’est pas reconnu dans le monde orthodoxe, s’est adressé au patriarche de Constantinople Bartholomée afin ...
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