Orthodoxie ornament 1
First official message of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church about the initiative of the Patriarch of Constantinople, concerning the granting of autocephaly to Ukrainian schismatics

First official message of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church about the initiative of the Patriarch of Constantinople, concerning the granting of autocephaly to Ukrainian schismatics

For the first time, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church officially responded to the initiative of the Patriarch ...

60,000 Ukrainian faithful ask Patriarch Bartholomew that the question of autocephaly be examined exclusively according to the canons

A petition gathering 60,000 signatures of Ukrainian faithful was handed to Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew’s Secretary Office. They are asking ...
Concelebration between Russian and Serbian Patriarchs

Concelebration between Russian and Serbian Patriarchs

On May 24, at the occasion of Sts. Cyril and Methodius feast day, Patriarch Kirill of Russia and Patriarch Irinej ...
Recently released: “Orthodox Christianity facing the challenges of Western society” (Cerf)

Recently released: “Orthodox Christianity facing the challenges of Western society” (Cerf)

A book by Fr. Christophe Levalois was just published: “Orthodox Christianity facing the challenges of Western society” (Éditions du Cerf,(collection ...
Bulgarian Church: We won’t cause a schism in the Orthodox world over Macedonian issue

Bulgarian Church: We won’t cause a schism in the Orthodox world over Macedonian issue

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has clarified her stance towards the question of the  “Macedonian Orthodox Church,” and has published a statement ...
The Finnish Orthodox Church officially disapproves of euthanasia

The Finnish Orthodox Church officially disapproves of euthanasia

In line with Orthodox Tradition, the Finnish Orthodox Church bishops recently stated their disapproval on the civil initiative to legalize ...
Attempted hostage-taking in an Orthodox Church in Grozny (Chechnya)

Attempted hostage-taking in an Orthodox Church in Grozny (Chechnya)

On May 19, four men entered the church of Archangel Michael in the center of Grozny, the Chechen capital, “with ...
Christians feel threatened by settlers in Jerusalem’s Old City

Christians feel threatened by settlers in Jerusalem’s Old City

Christian believers feel physically, verbally, and emotionally threatened in Jerusalem’s Old City. Jewish settlers have been adopting harder laws, such ...