If your browser doesn’t seem to be loading the article completely, you’ll need to do this in order to force it to do so.
This is how to force your browsers to refresh and load the full article:
Google Chrome all versions
To refresh the actual page or tab, use the following keyboard combination
For Microsoft Windows
Press together on your keyboard : ⇧+Ctrl+F5 or Maj+F5
Here are some other useful Google Chrome shortcuts for Windows.
For Apple OS X
Press at the same time the following keyboard buttons: ⇧+⌘+R
Here are some other useful Google Chrome shortcuts for Mac OS.
Mozilla Firefox
For Microsoft Windows
Press at the same time these buttons on your keyboard: ⇧+Ctrl+F5
For Apple OS
Press at the same time these buttons on your keyboard: ⇧+⌘+R
Apple: Safari browser
For Apple OS X
Press at the same time these buttons on your keyboard: ⌘+R or ⌥+⌘+R.