May 21 (old calendar) / June 3 (new calendar)

May 21 (old calendar) / June 3 (new calendar)

May 21 (old calendar) / June 3 (new calendar) 1st SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST —  All Saints Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother, Helen (Elena) (327). St. Constantine (1129) and his children, Ss. Michael and Theodore, Wonderworkers of Múrom. Ven. Cassian the Greek, of Uglich (1504). The Meeting of the VLADIMIR Icon of the Most-holy Theotokos (in commemoration of the saving of Moscow from the invasion of the Crimean Khan, Mekhmet-Girei in

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June 3

June 3

June 3 1st SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST —  All Saints Martyr Lucillian and those who suffered with him at Byzantium: four youths—Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Dionysius; and the Virgin Paula (270-275). Hieromartyr Lucian—Bishop, Maximian—Presbyter, Julian—Deacon, Marcellinus and Saturninus, at Beauvais in France (81-96). SYNAXIS OF ALL SAINTS The Sunday following Pentecost is dedicated to All Saints, both those who are known to us, and those who are known only to God. There have

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May 15 (Old calendar) / May 28 (New calendar)

May 15 (Old calendar) / May 28 (New calendar)

May 15 (Old calendar) / May 28 (New calendar) Day of the Holy Spirit – Tone 7 Venerable Pachomius the Great, Founder of Cœnobitic Monasticism (348 A.D.). St. Isaiah, Bishop and Wonderworker of Rostov (1090). The slain Crown Prince Dimitry of Uglich and Moscow (1591). Ven. Isaiah, Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves (1115). Ven. Pachomius—Abbot, and Silvanus, of Nerekhta (1384). Ven. Evfrosin (Euphrosynus), Abbot and Wonderworker of Pskov, and his disciple,

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Review: Venice, almost another Byzantium

Review: Venice, almost another Byzantium

In his review of the book by Giorgio Fedalto et Renato D’Antiga (éd.), Venezia quasi un’altra Bisanzio, Marcianum Press, Venise, 2018, 277 p. (Venice, almost another Byzantium), Jean-Claude Larchet starts by stating that Venice has a bad reputation in the Orthodox world, due to some historical events, such as for instance, the participation of Venetians in the sacking of Constantinople by the 4th Crusade on April 13, 1204. “However, relations with Constantinople

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Metropolitan Hilarion: “I dread to think what would happen if autocephaly was granted to schismatics”

Metropolitan Hilarion: “I dread to think what would happen if autocephaly was granted to schismatics”

In an interview with the Greek Agency Romfea, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations, addressed various issues, including the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Here is a translation of it. – A few days ago, the Ecumenical Patriarchate agreed to consider the issue of granting autocephaly in the Ukraine. How does the Russian Church see this decision? – With perplexity. Neither His Holiness the Patriarch

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Recension: Venise, presque une autre Byzance

Recension: Venise, presque une autre Byzance

Giorgio Fedalto et Renato D’Antiga (éd.), Venezia quasi un’altra Bisanzio, Marcianum Press, Venise, 2018, 277 p. Venise a fort mauvaise réputation dans le monde orthodoxe. La participation des Vénitiens au saccage de Constantinople par la 4e croisade le 13 avril 1204, et le partage avec les croisés des biens – en particulier des objets sacrés – pillés dans la capitale, puis la domination exercée par les Vénitiens sur la ville jusqu’à

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24 avril

24 avril Saint Sabas stratilate, chef des milices et 70 guerriers, martyrs à Rome (272) ; saint Alexandre et ses 34 compagnons, martyrs à Lyon (177) ; saints Pasicrate et Valentin, martyrs en Mésie (228) ; saints Eusèbe, Néon, Léonce, Longin et leurs compagnons, martyrs à Nicomédie (303) ; saint Cérase, évêque d’Eauze (Vème s.) ; saint Dié, abbé près de Blois (531) ; saint Thomas, fol en Christ (546-560)

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29 mars (ancien calendrier)/11 avril (nouveau)

29 mars (ancien calendrier)/11 avril (nouveau) MERCREDI LUMINEUX Saint Marc évêque d’Aréthuse en Syrie et saint Cyrille, diacre à Héliopolis, et leurs compagnons, martyrs (vers 364) ; saint Jean l’ermite (IVème s.) ; saint Diadoque, évêque de Photicée (Vème s.) ; )  saint Firmin, évêque de Viviers (VIème s.) ; saints Aule, Eumaque et Longin, évêques de Viviers (VIIème s.) ; saint Eustathe, évêque en Bithynie, confesseur (IXème s.) ; saints Marc et Jonas de

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