Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations to Volodymyr Zelensky, the new President of Ukraine

Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations to Volodymyr Zelensky, the new President of Ukraine

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated Volodymyr Zelensky on his election as President of Ukraine.

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April 24

April 24

April 24 Great and Holy Wednesday Martyr Sabbas Stratelates (“the General”) of Rome, and 70 soldiers with him (272). Ven. Savva and Aleksy the Recluse, of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves—13th c.). Martyrs Valentine and Pasikrates in Moesia, Bulgaria (228). Martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus, and others, at Nicomedia (303). Ven. Thomas the Fool, of Syria (6th c.). St. Elizabeth the Wonderworker of Constantinople (6th-8th c.). Ss. Iorest (1678) and

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Message of unity from the Orthodox Primates of the Middle East

Message of unity from the Orthodox Primates of the Middle East

The Primates of the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East, Theodore II of Alexandria, John Χ of Antioch, Theophilos III of Jerusalem and Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, met on April 18 at the Holy Archdiocese of Cyprus in Nicosia.

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Meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middle East

Meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middle East

Their Holinesses and Beatitudes, the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middles East, held a meeting that gathered Theodoros II, Patriarch of Alexandria, John X, Patriarch of Antioch, Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem and Chrysostomos II, Archbishop of Cyprus, at the Cypriot’s Archbishopric Headquarters, on April 18, 2019. In their meeting, they prayed for peace of the whole world, and for the stability of the local holy Churches, especially

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March 30 (old calendar) / April 12 (new)

March 30 (old calendar) / April 12 (new)

March 30 (old calendar) / April 12 (new) Great Lent. Ven. John Climacus of Sinai, author of The Ladder (6th c.). St. Sophróny (Sophronius), Bishop of Irkutsk (1771). Prophet Joad (1 Kings 13:11—10th c. B.C.). Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Cæsar, and Epaphroditus, of the Seventy (1st c.). St. Eubula, mother of St. Panteleimon (ca. 303). Ven. John the Silent of St. Sabbas’ Monastery (6th c.). St. Zosimas, Bishop of Syracuse (ca.

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Exclusive interview with Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv published on the Serbian Orthodox Church website

Exclusive interview with Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv published on the Serbian Orthodox Church website

While in Kyiv as a representative of the Orthodox Faculty of Belgrade at a conference of the Ecclesiastical Academy of Kyiv on March 26, 2019, Nikolaj Sapsaj interviewed Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv. Topics include the events that have marked his ministry so far, the relationships with the Patriarchate of Serbia, and the situation in Ukraine.

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