
Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Kondopoga

Orthodoxie ornament 1
Picture album of the wooden church of the dormition in kondopoga

Picture album of the wooden church of the Dormition in Kondopoga

You are invited to look at the photo album of the Church of the Dormition in Kondopoga, sent by Father ...
A young satanist claims the burning of a wooden church

A young Satanist claims the burning of a wooden church

Ignat Sharapov, a 15-year-old schoolboy who calls himself a “Satanist” and wanted to make himself famous all over the world, ...
Album de photographies de l’église en bois de la dormition à kondopoga

Album de photographies de l’église en bois de la Dormition à Kondopoga

Nous vous invitons à regarder l’album de photographies de l’église de la Dormition à Kondopoga, envoyées par le Père Diacre ...