Ukrainian autocephaly

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Metropolitan emmanuel of france in kyiv to prepare the unification council

Metropolitan Emmanuel of France in Kyiv to prepare the unification council

Metropolitan Emmanuel of France (Patriarchate of Constantinople) arrived in Kyiv on November 15 to help prepare a Unification Council. The ...
Forty priests in vinnytsia (ukraine) spoke out against metropolitan simeon

Forty priests in Vinnytsia (Ukraine) spoke out against Metropolitan Simeon

Forty priests in the city of Vinnytsia (Ukraine) spoke out against the attitude of their Metropolitan Simeon, who refused to ...
November 13 statement of the assembly of the ukrainian orthodox church bishops

November 13 Statement of the Assembly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Bishops

On November 13, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv and All Ukraine presided the session of the Assembly of the ...
« the unity of the church is incomparably more important than all possible ambitions and self-serving claims »

“The unity of the Church is incomparably more important than all possible ambitions and self-serving claims”

On the website of the Serbian Orthodox Church, dated November 5, 2018, Bishop Irinej of Bačka (Serbian Orthodox Church) made ...
Coordination and cooperation bilateral agreement between the ecumenical patriarchate and ukraine

Coordination and Cooperation bilateral agreement between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Ukraine

On November 3, 2018, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko was warmly welcomed by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Phanar. ...
« the decision of the ecumenical patriarchate is uncanonical », said metropolitan amfilohije of montenegro

“In my opinion the only solution to the Ukrainian issue is to continue the Council of Crete”

In an interview with the Tass Russian News Agency, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro (Serbian Orthodox Church) states it is necessary ...
The Reasons to Proclaim or to Restore Autocephaly in the 20th and 21st centuries

BBC interview with Archbishop Job of Telmessos on the Ukrainian question

Archbishop Job of Telmessos (Ecumenical Patriarchate) was interviewed by the BBC about the Ukrainian ecclesial question. The full text of ...
Patriarch daniel’s message to romanians living in the diaspora

Romanian website reveals two reasons why the Romanian Patriarchate would be reluctant to Ukrainian autocephaly

The site of the Orthodox Church of Moldova (Moscow Patriarchate), referring to the Romanian sources of the site G4Media, mentions ...