Ukrainian autocephaly

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Metropolitan seraphim of kythira asks for an immediate meeting of the assembly of bishops in greece

Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira asks for an immediate meeting of the Assembly of Bishops in Greece

On October 15, Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira asked Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens to immediately convene the Assembly of Bishops in ...

Statement by the assembly of the French Orthodox Bishops on the Ukrainian issue

The Assembly of the French Orthodox Bishops (AEOF) has just published a statement on the situation created by the Ukrainian ...
The serbian patriarch irinej,  »what the ecumenical patriarch is doing is unheard of! »

The Serbian Patriarch Irinej, ”What the Ecumenical Patriarch is doing is unheard of!”

The Serbian Patriarch spoke about the events in Ukraine on HRAM, the Serbian Orthodox Church TV channel (see below): ”The ...
Metropolitan rostislav’s letter to patriarch kirill

Metropolitan Rostislav’s letter to Patriarch Kirill

Metropolitan Rostislav of the Czech Lands and Slovakia sent a letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, supporting ...
Comments by metropolitan anthony on the decision made by the patriarchate of constantinople

Comments by Metropolitan Anthony on the decision made by the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Metropolitan Anthony of Borispol and Brovary, and Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, made the following statement about the decision ...
The media publishes an inauthentic text about the church in the ukraine

The media publishes an inauthentic text about the Church in the Ukraine

Bishop Makarios of Christoupolis (Patriarchate of Constantinople) described as inauthentic the text published by the media in his name about ...

Schismatic Patriarch Filaret of Kyiv and Archbishop Makariy reinstated by the Patriarchate of Constantinople

“Patriarch” Filaret (Denisenko), the head of the “Schismatic Patriarchate” of Kyiv, and Archbishop Makariy (Maletych), the head of the Ukrainian ...
Announcement from the ecumenical patriarchate

Announcement from the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Presided by His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, the Holy and Sacred Synod convened for its regular session from October 9 ...