Ukrainian autocephaly

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Orthodoxie ornament 1

Autocephaly To Be Soon Granted By Patriarch Bartholomew To The Ukrainian Church

On September 23, Patriarch Bartholomew promised he would soon grant autocephaly for the creation of a new autocephalous church in ...
The apostolic nunciature in kyiv denies the vatican’s support for the ukrainian orthodox church

The Apostolic Nunciature in Kyiv denies the Vatican’s support for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

After the meeting between Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin and Paul Richard Gallagher, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, ...
Archbishop daniel of pamphilon: « the path to the autocephaly is irreversible »

Archbishop Daniel of Pamphilon: “The path to the Autocephaly is irreversible”

The Ukrainian church’s movement toward autocephaly is “irreversible,” said Archbishop Daniel of Pamphilon, who was recently appointed the Ecumenical Patriarchate ...
Bishop irinej of bačka expresses his hopes for the ukrainian issue

Bishop Irinej of Bačka expresses his hopes for the Ukrainian issue

Please find here below the full text of the interview given by Bishop Irinej of Bačka (Serbian Orthodox Church) to ...
Former american vice president for the creation of an autocephalous ukrainian church

Former American Vice President For The Creation Of An Autocephalous Ukrainian Church

On September 17, former Vice president Joe Biden (Roman Catholic) met with the so-called “Patriarch” Filaret. He told him he ...
“our people will defend their temples”

“Our people will defend their temples”

In an interview for a newspaper, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), revealed that ...
Metropolitan Hilarion: « I dread to think what would happen if autocephaly was granted to schismatics »

Metropolitan Hilarion’s clarifications on the Ukrainian issue

On September 16, Metropolitan Hilarion was interviewed by the Russian RT television network. Here are the main points of the ...
The moscow patriarchate suspends concelebrations with the patriarchate of constantinople

The Moscow Patriarchate suspends concelebrations with the Patriarchate of Constantinople

On 14 September 2018, at the Patriarchal and Synodal residence in St. Daniel’s Monastery in Moscow, the Holy Synod of ...