Ukrainian autocephaly

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Protests by the monastic community of the pochaev lavra

Meeting in Pochayiv Lavra between the clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission

On February 11, 2019, monks of Pochayiv Lavra and clergy members of the Diocese of Ternopol met with representatives of ...
« the ukrainian issue is a sensitive topic for all orthodoxy »

“The Ukrainian issue is a sensitive topic for all Orthodoxy”

Metropolitan Andrew of Gori and Ateni (Patriarchate of Georgia) expressed his point of view concerning the granting of autocephaly in ...
Discords on mount athos regarding the visit of a delegation of the new ukrainian church

Discords on Mount Athos regarding the visit of a delegation of the new Ukrainian Church

A delegation of the new Ukrainian autocephalous Church led by “bishop” Pavel Yuristy made a trip to Mount Athos. They ...
The athonite saint panteleimon monastery refused to receive a delegation from the new ukrainian autocephalous church

The Athonite Saint Panteleimon Monastery refused to receive a delegation from the new Ukrainian autocephalous Church

Metropolitan Paul of Odessa (new Ukrainian autocephalous Church) was received and even celebrated at the Athonite Pantocrator Monastery. But he ...
The belgrade daily « politika » interviewed patriarch irinej of serbia

The Belgrade daily “Politika” interviewed Patriarch Irinej of Serbia

On January 27, as the Serbian Orthodox Church commemorated the memory of Saint Sava of Serbia, Patriarch Irinej gave the ...
Metropolitan hilarion of volokolamsk thinks we should not attribute the victory of world war ii to stalin

“The Patriarch of Constantinople has lost his declared primacy in world Orthodoxy”

Interviewed in a TV program, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the chairman of the Russian Orthodox Church Department for External Church Relations declared ...
Le Patriarche De Moscou Cyrille Appelle L’Église à Prêcher Plus Activement Sur Les Réseaux Sociaux

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow considers the point of no return has not yet been reached in the conflict with Constantinople

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow remains optimistic about the future development of the crisis in world Orthodoxy, following the actions of ...
A procession to protest against churches belonging to the ukrainian orthodox church being seized

A procession to protest against churches belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church being seized

The faithful of the diocese of Chernivtsi-Bukovina (canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church) organized a procession to protest against churches belonging to ...