Ukrainian autocephaly

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Orthodoxie ornament 1

Patriarch Bartholomew’s letter to the hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne on Ukraine

Please find here our English translation of the letter Patriarch Bartholomew sent on January 8, 2019, to the hierarchs of ...
« the nesting dolls of the christian east », by father alexander winogradsky frenkel

“The nesting dolls of the Christian East”, by Father Alexander Winogradsky Frenkel

Paraphrasing Luke the Evangelist in Acts 10:37, we could ask, “Do you know what happened in the whole country of ...
L’archevêque de chypre chrysostome ii au sujet de l’ukraine : « ce qui prime actuellement, ce n’est pas l’autocéphalie, mais que l’orthodoxie ne se divise pas »

“What’s most important right now is not autocephaly, but that Orthodoxy may not be divided”

On January 9, Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus met with Borys Humeniuk, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Cyprus. According to the ...
The granting of the tomos of autocephaly to the « orthodox church of ukraine »

The granting of the tomos of autocephaly to the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”

The tomos of autocephaly, signed by Patriarch Bartholomew on January 5, was given to Metropolitan Epifaniy at St. George Patriarchal ...
For patriarch john x of antioch, it was unreasonable to put an end to the ukrainian schism at the price of orthodox world unity

For Patriarch John X of Antioch, it was unreasonable to put an end to the Ukrainian schism at the price of Orthodox world unity

Recent events in Ukraine have been a source of anxiety, not only because of the disunity they cause in the ...
Program of the ceremony for the granting of the ukrainian autocephaly, to be held at the phanar on january 5

Program of the Ceremony for the granting of the Ukrainian Autocephaly, to be held at the Phanar on January 5

“We are pleased to announce that His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine will be arriving in Constantinople ...
The georgia patriarchate may recognize the new autocephalous church of ukraine

The Georgia Patriarchate may recognize the new Autocephalous Church of Ukraine

According to the Romfea agency, it seems that the Orthodox Church of Georgia will recognize the new Autocephalous Church of ...
A first discriminatory law against the ukrainian orthodox church was passed yesterday by the ukrainian parliament

A first discriminatory law against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was passed yesterday by the Ukrainian Parliament

Despite the assurances made by President Poroshenko and the primate of the new "autocephalous Church" the first discriminatory law against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) was passed yesterday by the Ukrainian Parliament.