Lire tous les articles de la rubrique Reviews

Book Review: Missionary Letters, by Saint Nikolai Velimirovich
Saint Nicolas Vélimirovitch, Lettres missionnaires [Missionary Letters, by Saint Nikolai Velimirovich. Translated from the Serbian by Lioubomir Mihailovich, « Grands spirituels orthodoxes ...

Elder Amphilochios Makris of Patmos, by Metropolitan Ignatius Triandis
A book published in French on Father Amphilochios Makris, canonized in 2018

« What the Bible says about solitude », a new book by Sandrine Caneri
Nouvelle cité recently published a book by Sandrine Caneri on solitude in their "What the Bible says about ..." collection

Orthodox Christianity and the challenges of Western society
Father Christophe Levalois’ book, Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale [Orthodox Christianity and the Challenges of ...

Papa Ephraim of Katounakia, by Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi: review by Jean-Claude Larchet
Ancien Joseph de Vatopaidi, Papa Ephrem de Katounakia. [Papa Ephraim of Katounakia, by Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi] Translated from the ...

Book review : The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis, by Jean-Claude Larchet
Jean-Claude Larchet, Les fondements spirituels de la crise écologique [The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis], Publisher: Syrtes, Geneva, 2018, ...

« Sick With the New Media », by Jean-Claude Larchet
A couple of years ago, Jean-Claude Larchet published a book for the general public on the various pathologies caused by ...
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Book review: Commentary on Saint John, by Cyril of Alexandria (Volume I, Book I)