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2019 oxford conference: « scholars, pastors, policy makers gather to discuss orthodoxy, sex, gender, and sexuality »

2019 Oxford Conference: “Scholars, pastors, policy makers gather to discuss Orthodoxy, sex, gender, and sexuality”

An international academic gathering of scholars, pastors, clinicians, and other expertstook place in Oxford from 16th to 19th August, at which contemporary issues of sex, gender, and sexuality were discussed in relation to the Orthodox Church.
Metropolitan onufriy of kyiv’s message on the occasion of the beginning of great lent

Metropolitan Onuphrius expresses support for persecuted faithful of Montenegro, Serbian and Ukrainian hierarchs concelebrate on the transfiguration

On the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, His Grace Bishop Viktor of Baryshevka of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church concelebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Transfiguration Church of the Monastery of Sts. Cyril and Methodius near the village of Kolašin by invitation of the local ruling hierarch, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine.
The extraordinary general assembly of the archdiocese refused the dissolution

Petition to support Archbishop Jean (Renneteau)

A petition to support Archbishop Jean (Renneteau), in French, English and Russian, has been posted on this page. La suite ...
115th anniversary of birth of royal martyr tsarevich alexei to be marked with moleben for hemophiliacs

115th anniversary of birth of Royal Martyr Tsarevich Alexei to be marked with moleben for hemophiliacs

Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov is perhaps history’s best-known hemophiliac, besides being venerated throughout the Orthodox world as a passion-bearer and martyr
The russian orthodox church criticizes the project of ‘futuristic’ church in moscow

The Russian Orthodox Church criticizes the project of ‘futuristic’ church in Moscow

The Russian Orthodox Church criticizes the project of ‘futuristic’ church in MoscowHead of the Russian Orthodox Church expert committee on ...
Zelensky promises patriarch bartholomew: state won’t interfere in church affairs

Zelensky promises Patriarch Bartholomew: state won’t interfere in church affairs

The Ukrainian state will defend the independence of the Church, President Vladimir Zelensky said.“Our common value is human life. This ...
New abbot of monastery of st john the baptist, near essex, elected

New Abbot of Monastery of St John the Baptist, near Essex, elected

Hiero-monk Petros Vryzas has been elected as the new abbot of the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Baptist, near Essex, in England.
Ecumenical patriarch bestowed ecos 2019 award

Ecumenical Patriarch bestowed ECOS 2019 award

The ECOS 2019 award was bestowed on Friday to Ecumenical Patriarch of the Constantinople, His All-Holiness Bartholomew I, for his exceptional leadership in environmental protection