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Orthodoxie ornament 1
Students at sretensky seminary in moscow make an appeal about the planned reform of their school

Students at Sretensky Seminary in Moscow make an appeal about the planned reform of their school

During its July 9 meeting in Valaam, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church made the following decisions regarding ...
Tennis champion simona halep received distinction from patriarch daniel

Tennis champion Simona Halep received distinction from Patriarch Daniel

Patriarch Daniel of Romania bestowed the Patriarchal Cross to tennis champion Simona Halep, who won at Wimbledon on July 13. ...
Construction of a « futuristic » church approved in moscow

Construction of a “futuristic” church approved in Moscow

The project of a “futuristic” Orthodox Church in the western part of Moscow was recently approved by the municipal authorities ...
« how and with what can we feed our soul »

Preaching through actions: The Savior’s Pedagogy in the Case of the Gadarenes, explained by Patriarch Daniel of Romania

In his homily last Sunday, when the Gospel passage of the day was the parable of Christ in the land ...
After meeting with a representative of the new orthodox church of ukraine, metropolitan amfilohije of montenegro confirmed that the serbian orthodox church maintains its position on the ukrainian issue

After meeting with a representative of the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro confirmed that the Serbian Orthodox Church maintains its position on the Ukrainian issue

On June 24, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral met with Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zoria) of the new autocephalous Church ...
“this year, wimbledon has become orthodox”

“This year, Wimbledon has become Orthodox”

“This year, Wimbledon has become Orthodox,” wrote Bishop Ignatie of Huşi, about Simona Halep and Novak Djoković who won the ...
For the first time, the relics of holy prince peter and princess febronia, protectors of the christian family, came to moscow

For the first time, the relics of holy Prince Peter and Princess Febronia, protectors of the Christian family, came to Moscow

For the first time, the relics of holy Prince Peter and Princess Febronia were transported from Murom to Moscow.
Night divine liturgy in yekaterinburg for the 101st anniversary of the assassination of the russian imperial family

Night Divine Liturgy in Yekaterinburg for the 101st Anniversary of the Assassination of the Russian Imperial Family

60,000 faithful gathered in Yekaterinburg for the Night Divine Liturgy celebrated on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the assassination of the Russian Imperial Family