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Two archpriests of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe are appointed to the commissions of the Inter-conciliar Conference of the Moscow Patriarchate
During its session of December 26, 2019, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to complete the composition ...

The Pastoral Assembly of the Archdiocese of Orthodox Churches of Russian Tradition in Western Europe, September 28, 2019
It was with a vote of approval that the clergy of the Archdiocese, gathered in a pastoral assembly on September 28 in the Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, reaffirmed by a large majority the decision of Archishop Jean to request the canonical attachment to the Moscow Patriarchate.

The decisions of the Holy Synod of Ecumenical Patriarchate
The meeting of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, which took place on Thursday and Friday, August 29 and 30, in the Holy Trinity Monastery of Halki, was concluded

« A Boycott of the September 7th Extraordinary General Assembly of the Archdiocese seems unlikely. »
Daniel Struve, the editor-in-chief of the YMCA-Press publishing house, and a member of the editorial board of the magazines "Vestnik RHD" and "Messager Orthodoxe" answered questions on the website.

Report on Orthodoxy in France
On July 10, the Commission on Laicity/Secularism submitted its 6th annual report to the French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe. It ...

Archpriest Alexander A. Winogradsky Frenkel: “Humbleness And The Spirit”
A new 2018-19 series of articles shared on the roots and the prospects that unite Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions to the realm of Jewishness and Hassidism, Compared semantics and exegetical “paysages” by Archpriest Alexander A.Winogradsky Frenkel (Patriarchate of Jerusalem). Below the twenty-sixth article: “Humbleness And The Spirit”.
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