Orthodoxie ornament 1
Communiqué of the archdiocese of the russian orthodox churches in western europe

Communiqué of the Archdiocese of the Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe

Communiqué following the pastoral assembly of the Archdiocese of the Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe on May 11
Patriarch daniel of romania received samuel brownback, the united states ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom

Patriarch Daniel of Romania received Samuel Brownback, the United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

On May 10 in his patriarchal residence, Patriarch Daniel of Romania received Samuel Brownback, he United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. He was accompanied by Abigail Rupp, the United States Deputy Chief of Mission in Bucharest; by Riley Barnes and Pauletta Walsh, members of the Office of the American Ambassador for International Religious Freedom; and by Darrin Kowitz and Alexandru Climescu, of the United States of America Embassy in Bucharest.

Metropolitan Elpidophoros of Bursa elected Archbishop of America (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

The new Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has just been elected.
Metropolitan antony on the true meaning of the paschal season

Metropolitan Antony on the true meaning of the Paschal season

By Metropolitan Antony (Pakanich), the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "From year to year, we live an astonishing period: the days of the Paschal season that last from the luminous Resurrection of Christ until His Ascension. Unfortunately, few people are able to realize the importance of this graceful time and the healing it brings.
Thousands of faithful attended the paschal liturgy in tirana

Thousands of faithful attended the paschal Liturgy in Tirana

Archbishop Anastasios, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Albania,, presided at the Pascha celebration in Tirana Cathedral. He was assisted by Metropolitan Nathanael of Amadiya and by Bishop Astis of Vilidos, as well as by the clergy of the city

“Patriarch” Filaret considers that the “Kyiv Patriarchate has never been liquidated”

In an interview, “patriarch” Filaret (photo above) stated that the “Kyiv Patriarchate continues to exist”. To this end, he invited ...
Unexpected meeting between metropolitans onufriy and epifaniy in kyiv

Unexpected meeting between Metropolitans Onufriy and Epifaniy in Kyiv

The two hierarchs met by chance on the occasion of the events organized to celebrate the end of the Second ...
Patriarch bartholomew celebrated the divine liturgy in ephesus

Patriarch Bartholomew celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Ephesus

On May 8, 2019, the day of the memory of St. John the Theologian, Patriarch Bartholomew presided a solemn Divine Liturgy in the Basilica dedicated to the apostle on the archaeological site of Ephesus.