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Patriarch Bartholomew’s message for Holy Pascha 2019

PATRIARCHAL ENCYCLICALFOR HOLY PASCHAProt. No. 257✠ B A R T H O L O M E WBy God’s MercyArchbishop of ...

Patriarch Irinej’s message for Pascha 2019

By the Grace of God, Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs ...
Repose of archbishop alypy

Repose of Archbishop Alypy

His Eminence Archbishop Alypy, long-time ruling hierarch of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia ...

The Paschal greeting in 250 languages

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Please go to this website to know the Paschal greeting in 250 languages. ...
Construction of an orthodox church in oman

Construction of an Orthodox Church in Oman

The service for the laying of a foundation stone of an Orthodox Church took place in Oman
Communiqué of the meeting of the primates in cyprus

Communiqué of the meeting of the primates in Cyprus

Their Beatitudes and Most Holy Primates of the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East, Theodore II of Alexandria, John X of Antioch, Theophilos III of Jerusalem, and Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, met on April 18 at the Archdiocese of Cyprus in Nicosia.
Patriarch kirill performed the intercessory service of the beginning of the rite for the making of the chrism

Patriarch Kirill performed the intercessory service of the beginning of the rite for the making of the Chrism

On Monday April 22, 2019, on Great and Holy Monday, after the Presanctified Liturgy, Patriarch Kirill, celebrated the intercessory office of the beginning of the rite for the making of the Holy Chrism, at Donskoy Monastery in Moscow.
Patriarch kirill’s congratulations to volodymyr zelensky, the new president of ukraine

Patriarch Kirill’s congratulations to Volodymyr Zelensky, the new President of Ukraine

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated Volodymyr Zelensky on his election as President of Ukraine.