Orthodoxie ornament 1
Communiqué of the meeting of the primates in cyprus

Meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middle East

Their Holinesses and Beatitudes, the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middles East, held a meeting that gathered Theodoros ...
Moscow patriarch’s interview with the greek newspaper « ethnos tis kyriakis »

Moscow Patriarch’s interview with the Greek newspaper “Ethnos tis Kyriakis”

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, "In Greece, I have each time the feeling that I have not come to foreigners, but to my brothers".
Cyprus summit with four primates on the ukrainian question

Cyprus summit with four primates on the Ukrainian question

According to the Greek news website Romfea.gr, at the invitation of Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus, patriarchs Theodore of Alexandria, John ...
Archbishop ieronymos officially invited the ecumenical patriarch to athens

Archbishop Ieronymos officially invited the Ecumenical Patriarch to Athens

Patriarch Bartholomew will visit Athens on May 23, at the invitation of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Greece

Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv sent a message of support to the French ambassador to Ukraine following the fire at Notre-Dame de Paris

"I received with sadness the news of the fire at one of the world's most famous Christian cathedrals - Notre-Dame de Paris".
The life of saint columba of iona for the first time in russian

The life of Saint Columba of Iona for the first time in Russian

The book "The World of Saint Columba, Ireland, and Great Britain, from the beginning of the Middle Ages through the eyes of the monks of the island of Iona" has just been published.
Orthphoto celebrated its 15th anniversary

OrthPhoto celebrated its 15th anniversary

The largest portal of Orthodox pictures celebrated its 15th anniversary.
New website dedicated to biblical archaeology

New website dedicated to Biblical archaeology

St. Petersburg Theological Academy created a website dedicated to Biblical archaeology