Orthodoxie ornament 1
Conference on « chastity, purity, integrity » held in jordanville (united states)

Conference on “Chastity, Purity, Integrity” held in Jordanville (United States)

A conference on Orthodox anthropology and secular culture in the 21st century took place at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville (ROCOR), March 7-9, 2019.
International conference on « saint basil the great in the western and eastern theological tradition »

International Conference on “Saint Basil the Great in the Western and Eastern Theological Tradition”

An international symposium was organized on Saint Basil the Great, on April 11-13, 2019 in Moscow.
Serbian patriarch irinej’s visit to kosovo

Serbian Patriarch Irinej’s visit to Kosovo

Accompanied by the diocesan bishop, Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren, Patriarch Irinej went to Prizren, a city where he lived and taught at the seminary for 12 years.

Communiqué of the Assembly of the Orthodox Bishops of France following the fire at Notre-Dame de Paris

"This dreadful drama is beyond comprehension, and amazement gives way to horror."
Message by archbishop peter of chicago regarding the fire at notre dame

Message by Archbishop Peter of Chicago regarding the fire at Notre Dame

Archbishop Peter of Chicago (ROCOR) sent this message to his clergy and to the faithful regarding the tragic fire at Notre- Dame Cathedral
« we are proud when we are called banderists »

“We are proud when we are called Banderists”

"We are proud when we are called Banderistes," said Metropolitan Epifaniy, the primate of the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine, during his visit at Lviv National Agrarian University, as part of his pastoral visit in the region.
Picture gallery of daphni monastery mosaics

Picture gallery of Daphni Monastery mosaics

Daphni Monastery, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1990, is known for its mosaics.
Patriarch neophyte of bulgaria met with french academician hélène carrère d’encausse

Patriarch Neophyte of Bulgaria met with French Academician Hélène Carrère d’Encausse

French academician Hélène Carrère d'Encausse met with Patriarch Neophyte of Bulgaria in Sofia.