Orthodoxie ornament 1

June 26 (old calendar) / July 9 (new)

June 26 (old calendar) / July 9 (new) Apostles’ Fast St. David of Thessalonica (ca. 540). St. Dionysius, Archbishop of ...
July 9

July 9 

July 9 Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina in Sicily (1st c.). Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna in Crete (3rd-4th c.). ...
June 25 (old calendar) / July 8 (new)

June 25 (old calendar) / July 8 (new)

June 25 (old calendar) / July 8 (new) Apostles’ Fast – Fish allowed Virgin Martyr Febronia of Nisibis (ca. 304). ...
July 8 (old calendar) / July 21 (new)

July 8 

July 8 The SITKA Icon of the Most-holy Theotokos. Holy Greatmartyr Procopius of Cæsarea in Palestine (303). Righteous Prokópy, Fool-for-Christ, ...
The foundations of russian culture, by alexander schmemann

The foundations of Russian culture, by Alexander Schmemann

Alexandre Schmemann, Les fondements de la culture russe [The Foundations of Russian Culture], Éditions des Syrtes, 2019, 280 p. Here is our English translation of the synopsis by the publisher:
June 24 (old calendar) / July 7 (new)

June 24 (old calendar) / July 7 (new)

June 24 (old calendar) / July 7 (new) Apostles’ Fast – Fish allowed 3rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 2 Nativity of ...
July 7 (old calendar) / July 20 (new)

July 7 

July 7 3rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 2. All Saints of Britain and Ireland. Ven. Thomas of Mt. Maleon (10th c.). Ven. ...
June 23 (old calendar) / July 6 (new)

June 23 (old calendar) / July 6 (new)

June 23 (old calendar) / July 6 (new) Apostles’ Fast Martyr Agrippina of Rome (253-260). Righteous Artemii of Verkol’sk (1545). ...