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Book review : The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis, by Jean-Claude Larchet
Jean-Claude Larchet, Les fondements spirituels de la crise écologique [The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis], Publisher: Syrtes, Geneva, 2018, ...

Bioethics in the light of Christ’s mind, by Father Vladimir Zelinsky – part I
We invite you to read Father Vladimir Zelinsky’s lecture given at the Orthodox Day 2018, on Saturday June 9 in ...

« Sick With the New Media », by Jean-Claude Larchet
A couple of years ago, Jean-Claude Larchet published a book for the general public on the various pathologies caused by ...

The Relationship of the Serbian Orthodox Church to the ROCOR: 1920-1941
A historical study, the first of its kind at a university level, was done by Father Nicolaj Kostur, currently a ...

« The child on the threshold of the Kingdom », a new book by Vladimir Zelinsky
A new book by Father Vladimir Zelinsky, a priest in Brescia, Italy, has just been published by Word and Silence: ...

The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis: a new book by Jean-Claude Larchet
Jean-Claude Larchet, Les fondements spirituels de la crise écologique [The spiritual foundations of the ecological crisis], Publisher: Syrtes, Geneva, 2018, ...

Haris Skarlakidi: « Holy Fire »
On the occasion of the publication in French of Skarlakidi’s book, Holy Fire: The Miracle of the Light of the ...

Review: Anton Odaysky, « The feat of a lifetime ». Saint Luke of Crimea
Anton Odaysky, « L’exploit de toute une vie ». Saint Luc de Crimée (Valentin Voïno-Iassenetski), professeur, médecin, archevêque, confesseur, [« The ...
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