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Archpriest Alexander A.Winogradsky Frenkel: “Mother Maria’s Sunday Of Orthodoxy ”

Archpriest Alexander A.Winogradsky Frenkel: “Mother Maria’s Sunday Of Orthodoxy ”

A new 2018-19 series of articles shared on the roots and the prospects that unite Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions to the realm of Jewishness and Hassidism, Compared semantics and exegetical “paysages” by Archpriest Alexander A.Winogradsky Frenkel (Patriarchate of Jerusalem). Below the nineteenth article: “Mother Maria’s Sunday Of Orthodoxy ”. We entered Great Lent. This Sunday, the Orthodox Church celebrates the “Triumph of Orthodoxy”(cf. Russian “Торжество Православия). Some prefer to

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OHCHR reports violations of the rights of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

OHCHR reports violations of the rights of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

In their latest report, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) mention violations of the rights of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.They documented incidents that could be perceived as acts of intimidation against members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). During the period under review (November 16, 2018-February 15, 2019), the SBU opened four criminal investigations in several regions of Ukraine for incitement to religious enmity and hatred. One

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Le Haut commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme (HCDH) mentionne dans son rapport des atteintes aux droits de l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine

Le Haut commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme (HCDH) mentionne dans son rapport des atteintes aux droits de l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine

Le HCDH a documenté des incidents qui pourraient être perçus comme des actes d’intimidation contre les membres de l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine du Patriarcat de Moscou. Pendant la période sous revue, le SBU, dans plusieurs régions d’Ukraine a ouvert quatre enquêtes criminelles pour incitation à l’inimitié et la haine religieuses ; l’un de ces cas comporte une accusation supplémentaire de haute trahison, sans que des notifications de soupçons aient été émises.

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February 27 (old calendar) / March 12 (new)

February 27 (old calendar) / March 12 (new)

February 27 (old calendar) / March 12 (new) Great Lent. Repose of St. Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (1915). Ven. Procopius the Confessor of Decapolis (8th c.). Ven. Titus, Presbyter, of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves—1190). Ven. Titus the Soldier, of the Kiev Caves (Far Caves—14th c.). Ven. Thalelæus, Hermit, of Syria (460). SAINT RAPHAEL OF BROOKLYN Saint Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (+1915) Proclamation on the Glorification of Our Holy Father Bishop

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Presentation of a book on the relationship between the Constantinople Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church in the years 1910-1950

Presentation of a book on the relationship between the Constantinople Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church in the years 1910-1950

On February 27, at the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), historian Mikhail Shkarovski presented his book entitled “Константинопольская и Русская Церкви в период великих потрясений (1910-е — 1950-е гг.” [The Constantinople and Russian Churches at the time of the great upheavals (1910-1950)]. The summary contains comments made by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk and other participants. Metropolitan Hilarion, the President of the DECR and Rector of the Sts. Cyril and

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Chronology of the evolution of the canonical situation for the Archdiocese of the Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe

Chronology of the evolution of the canonical situation for the Archdiocese of the Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe

Nicolas Ross established this chronology for a presentation given at the Paris Saint-Serge Institute on February 1, 2004. It has been slightly modified and updated. Until 1917 In the 19th century, Russian Churches in Western Europe were depending on three bodies: the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg (ecclesiastical subordination), the Holy Synod (appointments, control), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (appointments, control, payment of the clergy). 1907-1911: these Churches came under

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New appointments and assignments within the Russian Orthodox Church episcopate

New appointments and assignments within the Russian Orthodox Church episcopate

A number of appointments and assignments were confirmed by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church during its February 26 session. Thus, at his request, Metropolitan Varsonofy of St. Petersburg and Ladoga was released from his functions as Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate, a position he held for ten years. Metropolitan Savva of Tver and Kashin, the First Vice Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate was appointed to replace him.

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