Conditions are not met for the Pope’s visit to Moscow

Conditions are not met for the Pope’s visit to Moscow

Regarding a possible visit of Pope Francis to Moscow, Metropolitan Hilarion stressed that the conditions are not met: “So far, it is not on the agenda of our bilateral relations. Many in our Church, be they bishops, priests or faithful, are not ready to receive him. We would not like our relationships to be damaged by such attitudes. We prefer to move slowly, with caution!” He added that the relationships

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Metropolitan Hilarion hopes for better days in Ukraine

Metropolitan Hilarion hopes for better days in Ukraine

On June 1, 2019, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk participated in a symposium at the University of Fribourg. On this occasion, he gave an interview to the French agency, which can be found on this page (including the picture).Please find here our English translation. While former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko wanted to use religious issues for political ends and get re-elected, Volodymyr Zelensky, the new president, said he would not

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Message of Patriarch Daniel of Romania at the 8th East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars

Message of Patriarch Daniel of Romania at the 8th East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars

The 8th East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars took place May 26-31, 2019 at the Holy Cross Socio-pastoral Center in Caraiman Monastery, Romania. On this occasion, Patriarch Daniel of Romania addressed the following message to the participants:

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“In Korea, we continue the work that was begun a long time ago” – Interview with Archbishop Theophanes (Kim) of Korea

“In Korea, we continue the work that was begun a long time ago” – Interview with Archbishop Theophanes (Kim) of Korea

At the February 26, 2019 session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the decision was made to create the diocese of Korea, as part of the patriarchal exarchate of Southeast Asia. Bishop Theophanes (Kim) of Kyzyl and Tuva was appointed as the archbishop of this diocese (Moscow Patriarchate).
He gave the following interview to the site, who asked him questions about the history and the current situation of Orthodoxy in Korea, as well as about the parishes of the new diocese.

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Bishop Onufriy on the persecution experienced by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Bishop Onufriy on the persecution experienced by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

In front of President Poroshenko, Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv spoke about the persecution experienced by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and about the number of its churches that passed to the new autocephalous Church.

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Mgr Onuphre évoque les persécutions dont fait l’objet l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine

Mgr Onuphre évoque les persécutions dont fait l’objet l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine

Devant le président Porochenko, le métropolite de Kiev Onuphre a évoqué les persécutions dont fait l’objet l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine, ainsi que le nombre de ses églises passées à la nouvelle Église autocéphale

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