Archbishop Mark’s open letter to the German Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops

Archbishop Mark’s open letter to the German Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops

In an open letter to the German Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany (ROCOR – Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia), proposed to informally continue the inter-Orthodox dialogue in Germany, despite the Ukrainian crisis. Please find here his open letter: Munich, January 30 / February 12, 2019 The Feast of the Three Hierarchs: John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian and Basil the Great Your Eminences and Excellencies:

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Dans une lettre ouverte à l’Assemblée des évêques orthodoxes d’Allemagne, l’archevêque Marc (Église russe hors frontières) propose de continuer le dialogue inter-ecclésial orthodoxe en Allemagne de façon informelle malgré la crise ukrainienne

Dans une lettre ouverte à l’Assemblée des évêques orthodoxes d’Allemagne, l’archevêque Marc (Église russe hors frontières) propose de continuer le dialogue inter-ecclésial orthodoxe en Allemagne de façon informelle malgré la crise ukrainienne

L’archevêque de Berlin et d’Allemagne Marc (Église russe hors-frontières) a adressé la lettre ouverte suivante aux membres de l’Assemblée des évêques orthodoxes canoniques d’Allemagne : « Munich, le 30 janvier / 12 février 2019 Synaxe des Trois Hiérarques, Jean Chrysostome, Grégoire le Théologien et Basile le Grand Vos Éminences, Vos Excellences, En tant qu’archevêque du diocèse de Berlin et d’Allemagne (Église orthodoxe russe hors-frontières), je souhaiterais, avec un cœur lourd, contribuer par

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February 27 

February 27 

February 27 Fast Repose of St. Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (1915). Ven. Procopius the Confessor of Decapolis (8th c.). Ven. Titus, Presbyter, of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves—1190). Ven. Titus the Soldier, of the Kiev Caves (Far Caves—14th c.). Ven. Thalelæus, Hermit, of Syria (460). SAINT RAPHAEL OF BROOKLYN Saint Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (+1915) Proclamation on the Glorification of Our Holy Father Bishop RAPHAEL (30-Apr-2000) Our holy Father Raphael

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An exhibition on St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Brussels

An exhibition on St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Brussels

An exhibition of photographs related to the history and current life of St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg) opened on February, 19 at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brussels (rue du Méridien, 21). You can see photographs of the Karl Bulla Fund collection (the photographer of the Imperial Romanov family) and works by contemporary photographers, such as Mikhail Manine, Yuri Kostyvov, and Hieromonk Leo (Chikhirin) of the

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January 24 (old calendar) / February 6 (new)

January 24 (old calendar) / February 6 (new)

January 24 (old calendar) / February 6 (new) Fast Ven. Xenia of Rome and her two female servants (5th c.). St. Gerásim, Bishop of Perm (1441). Martyr John of Kazan’ (1529). Martyrs Babylas (Vavíla) of Sicily, and his two disciples: Timothy and Agapius (3rd c.). St. Macedonius, Hermit, of Syria (ca. 420). Translation of the relics of St. Anastasius the Persian (7th c.). Ven. Dionysius of Olympus (16th c.). Ven.

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Lettre archipastorale du Saint-Synode des évêques de l’Église orthodoxe en Amérique concernant la situation de l’Église en Ukraine

Lettre archipastorale du Saint-Synode des évêques de l’Église orthodoxe en Amérique concernant la situation de l’Église en Ukraine

Le lundi 28 janvier 2019, Sa Béatitude, le métropolite Tikhon et les membres du Saint-Synode des évêques de l’Église orthodoxe d’Amérique (OCA) ont publié une lettre archipastorale sur la situation de l’Église en Ukraine et des questions connexes, suite aux décisions prises lors de la session d’automne du Saint-Synode tenue les 23 et 25 octobre 2018. Voici notre traduction de cette lettre: Lettre archipastorale du Saint-Synode des évêques de l’Église orthodoxe

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OCA Holy Synod of Bishops issued Archpastoral Letter on Ukraine

OCA Holy Synod of Bishops issued Archpastoral Letter on Ukraine

On Monday, January 28, 2019, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon and the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) issued an Archpastoral Letter concerning the situation of the Church in Ukraine and related matters, as decided during the Fall Session of the Holy Synod held October 23-25, 2018. Here is the text of the letter: Archpastoral Letter of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in

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January 24 

January 24 

January 24  Ven. Xenia of Rome and her two female servants (5th c.). St. Gerásim, Bishop of Perm (1441). Martyr John of Kazan’ (1529). Martyrs Babylas (Vavíla) of Sicily, and his two disciples: Timothy and Agapius (3rd c.). St. Macedonius, Hermit, of Syria (ca. 420). Translation of the relics of St. Anastasius the Persian (7th c.). Ven. Dionysius of Olympus (16th c.). Ven. Philotheus, founder of Philotheou Monastery (Mt. Athos—10th

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