Archpriest Alexander A. Winogradsky Frenkel : “Words Of Fire”

Archpriest Alexander A. Winogradsky Frenkel : “Words Of Fire”

A new 2018-19 series of articles shared on the roots and the prospects that unite Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions to the realm of Jewishness and Hassidism, Compared semantics and exegetical “paysages” by archpriest Alexander A.Winogradsky Frenkel (Patriarchate of Jerusalem). Below the twelfth article: On this January 7th, 2008, the Eastern Orthodox Church and all Oriental Churches mainly located on an axis that starts in Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia) to slide

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To better understand the “Unification Council” that took place in Kyiv on December 15

To better understand the “Unification Council” that took place in Kyiv on December 15

On December 22, Taras Melnick, a Ukrainian journalist from Kyiv, published a lengthy analysis of what happened in Kyiv at the “Unification Council” on December 15. Please come this way to read his analysis. He explains what really happened just before the event (we had presented the reasons of the delay here, and other facts), then during and after it, what conclusions we can draw from it, and what we

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Réflexions du métropolite de Volokolamsk sur le « concile de réunification » de Kiev

Réflexions du métropolite de Volokolamsk sur le « concile de réunification » de Kiev

Le livre des Psaumes commence par ces paroles : « Bienheureux l’homme qui ne marche pas selon le conseil des impies, Qui ne s’arrête pas sur la voie des pécheurs, Et qui ne s’assied pas en compagnie des moqueurs, mais qui trouve son plaisir dans la loi de l’Éternel, Et qui la médite jour et nuit ! … Il n’en est pas ainsi des méchants: Ils sont comme la paille

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The council started late

The council started late

The Unification Council is now over, but let’s have a look at what happened. From our correspondent in Kyiv, we learned that the opening of the council had been delayed, because of major problems. President Poroshenko had promised Patriarch Bartholomew that 10 to 15 bishops of the canonical Ukrainian Church would participate. However, only two came: Metropolitan Simeon and Metropolitan Vicar Alexander. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) took 10

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Patriarch Kirill of Moscow calls on religious and political leaders to defend the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow calls on religious and political leaders to defend the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow Cyril sent messages to religious and political leaders, as well as presidents of international organizations, concerning the pressure exerted by the Ukrainian authorities on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and State interference in ecclesiastical matters. In the messages addressed to the primates of local Orthodox Churches, to Pope Francis, to Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, the head of the Anglican Church; to Olav Fykse Tveit, the Secretary-General

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Le patriarche de Moscou Cyrille appelle les leaders religieux et politiques à défendre l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine

Le patriarche de Moscou Cyrille appelle les leaders religieux et politiques à défendre l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine

Le patriarche de Moscou Cyrille a adressé aux responsables religieux et politiques ainsi qu’aux dirigeants des organisations internationales, des messages concernant les pressions exercées par les autorités ukrainiennes sur l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine et l’immixtion de l’État dans la vie ecclésiale en Ukraine. Dans les messages adressés aux Primats des Églises orthodoxes locales, au pape de Rome François, au chef de la Communion anglicane l’archevêque de Canterbury Justin Welby, au Secrétaire

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Confusion before the “Unification Council” meeting, to be held in Kyiv on December 15

Confusion before the “Unification Council” meeting, to be held in Kyiv on December 15

In the Orthodox world, everyone is waiting with hope or concern for the of the Unification Council meeting to be held this coming Saturday in Kyiv. Every day, more information, sometimes contradictory, add to the already confused and ever more complex situation. Last Monday was a good example. In the morning, Filaret, the head of the Kyiv Patriarchate Ukrainian Orthodox Church, (UOC-KP), was interviewed by the Ukrainian TV channel TSN,

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“It may not be too late for Constantinople to give up the idea of a ‘Unification Council'”

“It may not be too late for Constantinople to give up the idea of a ‘Unification Council'”

On the eve of the “Unification Council” in Ukraine, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk published the following reflections: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it, lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock it, saying, ‘This man began to build

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