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A new version of the Book of Hours in Chinese
A new Chinese version of the Book of Hours was just published to meet the needs of daily liturgical worship. ...

Review: Venice, almost another Byzantium
In his review of the book by Giorgio Fedalto et Renato D’Antiga (éd.), Venezia quasi un’altra Bisanzio, Marcianum Press, Venise, ...

Book: « The Christians who resisted Hitler »
The historian Dominique Lormier just published Ces chrétiens qui ont résisté à Hitler (Artège – 312 pages, 18.90 euros), (The Christians who ...

Interview with Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), Orthodox theologian and patrologist – Part 3
Father Ivan Karageorgiev recently interviewed Bishop Kallistos (Ware) on his speritual journey. The interview was published in French in the periodical Unité ...

Father Placide Deseille, his life and his work, on RCF radio
Bernard Le Caro, who wrote the foreword for Father Placide’s last book « De l’Orient à l’Occident. Orthodoxie et catholicisme » (From ...

The Resurrection and its consequences
The transformation of History We sing « Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in ...

Interview with Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), Orthodox theologian and patrologist – Part 2
Father Ivan Karageorgiev recently interviewed Bishop Kallistos (Ware) on his speritual journey. The interview was published in French in the periodical Unité ...
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