Déclaration du Saint-Synode des évêques du Patriarcat d’Antioche

Déclaration du Saint-Synode des évêques du Patriarcat d’Antioche

« Le Saint-Synode antiochien, présidé par S.B. le patriarche Jean X (Yazigi) a tenu sa douzième session ordinaire du 5 au 8 octobre 2021 à Balamand, en présence de Leurs Éminences les Très Révérends métropolites : Élie (Archevêché de Beyrouth et dépendances), Élie (Archevêché de Tyr, Sidon et dépendances), Saba (Archevêché de Houran et Jabal Al-Arab), Georges (Archevêché d’Homs et dépendances), Basile (Archevêché de Tripoli, Koura et dépendances), Ignace (Archevêché de France,

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Les chrétiens en Syrie luttent pour leur survie

Les chrétiens en Syrie luttent pour leur survie

« Ne vous inquiétez pas, ce ne sera que pour quelques jours, puis nous retournerons chez nous », se souvient l’évêque Dimitri (Sharbak), qui est à la tête de l’Église grecque orthodoxe de Safita, disait à ses fidèles il y a 10 ans. Très vite, il s’est alors retrouvé à devoir aider jour et nuit les Syriens déplacés qui ont inondé Safita et les villages alentour. La petite ville de Safita, située

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Statement Issued by the Holy Synod of Patriarchate of Antioch

Statement Issued by the Holy Synod of Patriarchate of Antioch

The Holy Synod of Antioch, chaired by His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, held its eleventh ordinary session on October 3-10, 2019 in Balamand and was attended by the Metropolitans and Bishops from the homeland and countries abroad.

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June 1st (old calendar) / June 14 (new)

June 1st (old calendar) / June 14 (new)

June 1st (old calendar) / June 14 (new) Fast Leavetaking of the Ascension. Martyr Justin the Philosopher and those with him at Rome: Martyrs Justin, Chariton and his wife, Charity, Euelpistus, Hierax, Peon, Valerian, and Justus (166 A.D.). Ven. Dionysius, Abbot of Glushitsa (Vologdá—1437). Ven. Agápit, Unmercenary Physician, of the Kiev Caves (11th c.). SAINT JUSTIN The Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher was born around 114 at Sychem, an ancient

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June 14 

June 14 

June 14 Fast Leavetaking of the Ascension. Glorification of St. John of Kronstadt (1990). Prophet Elisha (9th c. B.C.). St. Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople (847). St. Mstislav (George), Prince of Novgorod (1180). Ven. Methodius “Peshnosha” (1392). Ven. Elisha of Sumsk (Solovétsky Monastery—15th-16th c.). Ven. Niphon (Mt. Athos—1330). Saint Elisha The Holy Prophet Elisha lived in the ninth century before the Birth of Christ, and was a native of the village

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February 27 (old calendar) / March 12 (new)

February 27 (old calendar) / March 12 (new)

February 27 (old calendar) / March 12 (new) Great Lent. Repose of St. Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (1915). Ven. Procopius the Confessor of Decapolis (8th c.). Ven. Titus, Presbyter, of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves—1190). Ven. Titus the Soldier, of the Kiev Caves (Far Caves—14th c.). Ven. Thalelæus, Hermit, of Syria (460). SAINT RAPHAEL OF BROOKLYN Saint Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (+1915) Proclamation on the Glorification of Our Holy Father Bishop

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February 27 

February 27 

February 27 Fast Repose of St. Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (1915). Ven. Procopius the Confessor of Decapolis (8th c.). Ven. Titus, Presbyter, of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves—1190). Ven. Titus the Soldier, of the Kiev Caves (Far Caves—14th c.). Ven. Thalelæus, Hermit, of Syria (460). SAINT RAPHAEL OF BROOKLYN Saint Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn (+1915) Proclamation on the Glorification of Our Holy Father Bishop RAPHAEL (30-Apr-2000) Our holy Father Raphael

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May 12 (old calendar) / May 25 (new calendar)

May 12 (old calendar) / May 25 (new calendar)

May 12 (old calendar) / May 25 (new calendar) Apodosis of the Ascension. Tone six. Fast. Fish Allowed St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus (403). St. Germanus (Herman), Patriarch of Constantinople (740). Glorification of Hieromartyr Germogén (Hermogenes), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1913). Ven. Dionisii, Archimandrite of St. Sergius’ Monastery (1633). St. Sabinus, Archbishop of Cyprus, and St. Polybius, Bishop in Cyprus (5th c.). Martyr John of Vlachia (Romania—1662). SAINT

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