L’émission “L’orthodoxie, ici et maintenant”  (KTO) d’octobre: Georges Florovsky

L’émission “L’orthodoxie, ici et maintenant” (KTO) d’octobre: Georges Florovsky

L’émission “L’orthodoxie, ici et maintenant” d’octobre sur KTO a pour thème “La vie et l’œuvre du père Georges Florovsky”, avec pour invité Jean-Claude Larchet, auteur du livre “En suivant les Pères… La vie et l’œuvre du Père Georges Florovsky“, récemment paru aux éditions des Syrtes.Le père Georges Florovsky est une grande figure de la théologie orthodoxe du XXème siècle. Issu d’une famille sacerdotale, il est né en 1893 sur les

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Joint Press Release by Patriarchs John X of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia

Joint Press Release by Patriarchs John X of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia

Following Patriarch Irinej’s visit to the Antioch Patriarchate, the following joint press release by the two patriarchs was published.

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Communiqué de presse commun des patriarches Jean X d’Antioche et Irénée de Serbie

Communiqué de presse commun des patriarches Jean X d’Antioche et Irénée de Serbie

À l’issue de la visite du patriarche Irénée au Patriarcat d’Antioche, le communiqué de presse commun suivant des deux patriarches a été publié.

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Communiqué of the meeting of the primates in Cyprus

Communiqué of the meeting of the primates in Cyprus

Their Beatitudes and Most Holy Primates of the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East, Theodore II of Alexandria, John X of Antioch, Theophilos III of Jerusalem, and Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, met on April 18 at the Archdiocese of Cyprus in Nicosia.

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Message of unity from the Orthodox Primates of the Middle East

Message of unity from the Orthodox Primates of the Middle East

The Primates of the Orthodox Churches of the Middle East, Theodore II of Alexandria, John Χ of Antioch, Theophilos III of Jerusalem and Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, met on April 18 at the Holy Archdiocese of Cyprus in Nicosia.

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Meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middle East

Meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middle East

Their Holinesses and Beatitudes, the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in the Middles East, held a meeting that gathered Theodoros II, Patriarch of Alexandria, John X, Patriarch of Antioch, Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem and Chrysostomos II, Archbishop of Cyprus, at the Cypriot’s Archbishopric Headquarters, on April 18, 2019. In their meeting, they prayed for peace of the whole world, and for the stability of the local holy Churches, especially

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Communiqué de la rencontre des primats à Chypre

Communiqué de la rencontre des primats à Chypre

Leurs Béatitudes et très saints primats des Églises orthodoxes du Moyen-Orient, Théodore II d’Alexandrie, Jean X d’Antioche, Théophile III de Jérusalem et Chrysostome II de Chypre, se sont rencontrés le 18 avril à l’archevêché de Chypre à Nicosie.

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 Joint Statement of the Serbian and Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchates

 Joint Statement of the Serbian and Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchates

Irenic [1] & Official visit of His Beatitude Patriarch JOHN X to the Serbian Orthodox Church From October 11th to 19th, 2018 BELGRADE – 19th of October 2018 – This historical visit, the first since Antiochian Orthodox Patriarch THEODOSIOS VI (Abou-Rjaili) visited Belgrade, was made in the context of the difficult and painful circumstances that are facing the Antiochian Orthodox Church in Syria, Lebanon and the Middle East. This visit also

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